Thank you for accepting our invitation – your attendance is confirmed!

You are on course to experience the University of Pretoria’s #ChooseUP Day future-focused virtual event.

By confirming your attendance by 05 September you stand a chance of winning one of six study bursaries valued at R20 000 each. You are also eligible to win one of five hamper prizes during the event. Please read the lucky draw terms and conditions carefully to ensure you qualify.

Remember to read our exciting programme, so that you are aware of all our exciting offerings on the day.

In addition, if you have an important question that you would like us to answer on the day, please click to provide your question(s) here.

You can also look out for the UP chat function, Mothusi, that will be available on the day, to send us all your questions. Please ensure you have your student number to log in. Please note that we might not be able to answer all your questions on the day but Mothusi will still get back to you in the week following the event.

Our privacy note ensures your confidentiality.

There are more exciting opportunities to win one of our study bursaries after the #ChooseUP Day virtual event, provided you have attended one of our virtual Faculty information sessions on the day or completed your contract and submitted it before or on 10 September 2022. Winners will be announced in the week following the event. Please see the terms and conditions for the value of the bursaries.

Please select the Faculty session(s) you would like to attend in order to participate in the faculty bursary prize draw.

The link to access the event is included below. Your link will only be live on 10 September 2022 at 8:45am.

You are welcome to use any smart device to enjoy the #ChooseUP Day virtual event, but a laptop or desktop computer is highly recommended to provide an optimum viewing experience.

We look forward to engaging with you.

University of Pretoria
Private bag X20
Hatfield 0028
South Africa

Telephone: +27 (0)12 420 3111

Email: ssc@up

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